Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sixth Writing Assignment

       Karen Russel's recent novela, Sleep Donation creates many connections and ideas about our world today. Although it is based on a fictional issue, the story hints at symbolism of current issues that we face. The issue I felt most connected with while reading this is greed. This greed is the problem of leaving little to nothing behind for younger generations. The novela's story is based on the idea that people have lost their ability to sleep yet they still need to. This led organizations to control and donate the sleep of healthier sleepers to people without the ability. Already we notice groups of people like large corporations wanting control although for the most part they seem helpful. The organizations have used children and babies to donate their sleep when they have no will or power to refuse. With this part of the story, Karen Russel gets at the idea of how many people today will feed on innocence in order to fuel themselves. What we should realize are current issues like the lack of natural resources the world has left and the way humans are taking advantage. Companies are filled with greed and are leaving nothing for future generations, ultimately leaving them to deal with the aftermath. Karen's idea of donating sleep is not entirely wrong because people can choose to donate if they want. The problem is when people decide they can take from the youth that is not informed and has no say. If Sleep Donation had been published a couple of decades ago this leading issue would not be as important. In fact, most people would have never thought about our limitations and affect on the future. It hasn't been since recent advancement in technology and corporate expansion that people have focused on the resources we are losing.  Although many try to save the world and prevent this greed, the chain will keep growing as each generation ages. There will always be the ones that care only for their prizes and money. These are the people that willingly take and donate the sleep from children. These are people that give up morals to save themselves.

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